WUP is an academic initiative under the auspices of Academic Affairs and operates as a unit within Emerson Library. WUP collaborates with co-publishers for all publishing responsibilities associated with producing, marketing, selling, and distributing WUP publications.
Works that support the University's academic mission may be proposed for WUP by University faculty, members of our academic community, and others. Proposals submitted to WUP are first reviewed by the editorial board, with outside peer-review of all scholarly works and of other works as appropriate.
The mission of Webster University Press is to publish academic works of high quality related to the academic programs offered by Webster University. WUP serves as a vehicle to disseminate scholarly, educational, and creative works that support the University's academic mission.
Eileen Condon, Dean of University Libraries and Editor
Vincent Flewellen, Chief Diversity Officer
Nancy Hellerud, Vice Provost
Eric Rothenbuhler, Dean of School of Communications
Eileen Condon, Dean of University Libraries
econdon@webster.edu | wup@webster.edu
phone: 314-246-7954
fax: 314-963-6085
Webster University Press
c/o Webster University Library
455 East Lockwood Avenue
Saint Louis, Missouri 63119-3194
Webster University Press
c/o Webster University Library
101 Edgar Road
Saint Louis, Missouri 63119-3194