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Technology Resources

Links to resources for help with softwares, programs, and websites used by the University, or ones that are just generally useful.


What started as a humble search engine has now become a huge collection of services, from email, to video sharing, to web browsing, to word processing and more. Google has become more and more utilized in our daily internet routines, so here are websites and tips on the most major resources provided by Google. 

a large letter "g" colored with 4 sections, red, orange, green, and blue. Links to

Google accounts

Google Chrome

Google Drive

A large triangle colored blue, green, and yellow. Links to Google Drive.


Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a simple tool to search for scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles, and see how many times an article has been cited in other research. And when you hit a paywall, it can connect to Webster University Library's resources. If you are using a computer with an off-campus IP address, follow these instructions to connect Google Scholar to library resources:

  1. Go to Google Scholar
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Click on Library Links and connect with Webster University Library resources as shown below:

    screenshot showing Google Scholar's library links settings which include Webster University Library