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Combines a depth of law-related information with a breadth of news and business information to provide a complete view of any issue. Includes the full text of U.S. federal and state legislation, regulations, court decisions, and law reviews and journals. Also features current and archival articles from U.S. and international newspapers, transcripts of news broadcasts, company profiles and EDGAR financial filings.
West's Missouri Cases Reported in South Western Reporter
Reference (Level 2 of the Library)
KFM7847 .A3
Cases S.W. 3d 1-present (earlier cases also available in Library)
The main page for Missouri judical information, including links to the full-text of opinions from the MO Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. Also provides information on the state circuit courts, judicial biographies, press releases and news concerning the courts.
The U.S. Eighth Circuit covers several states, including Missouri. This site links to circuit opinions, docket sheets, calendars, and additional general information.
The U.S. Eighth Circuit covers several states, including Missouri. This site links to circuit opinions, docket sheets, calendars, and additional general information.
A legal research database with U.S. federal and Missouri state cases, statutes, etc. and selected secondary sources, such as journals, treatises, and books. Includes the Missouri Bar Deskbooks for CLE (Continuing Legal Education).
The Webster University Library no longer has a subscription to the print edition of the MO Bar CLE deskbooks. Instructions are provided for accessing these resources online via the Fastcase database. (Webster/Eden access).
Information on Missouri Bar Association services and resources. Provides over 50 public information brochures, organized links to internet law resources, and the Journal of the Missouri Bar.