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(MS Clipart)
For DVDs, VHS, or other physical media, please search the Library Catalog.
For streaming videos, search Digital Content. The platform allows you to search for journals, magazines, newspapers, streaming videos, and ebooks available through the Library.
To find videos in a specific database, browse the video database list.
Known issues and how to troubleshoot them...
If you are looking for videos on a broad topic it might be easier to browse the Films on Demand (FOD) database than to search it. Here's how.
1. Begin at the library homepage:
2. Click the link for "Articles / Databases"
3. Use the pull-down menu labeled "Know the database you want?" to choose: Films on Demand
4. If prompted, log in using your Webster Single Sign On (SSO) credentials.
5. Expand the Menu (three stacked lines) near the top left corner of the page to browse by subject.
6. Select a subject, e.g.Business & Economics.
7A. You may focus by selecting a sub-category, e.g. Ethics & Business Law, and select Apply
If the category or sub-category contains a large number of videos, try searching for a specific topic.