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KEYS 4001 - Real World Survivor

Confronting Poverty at Heifer Ranch

Library Article Databases

You have access to over 160 databases through the Library.  Most contain articles, but some specialized databases focus on streaming video, images, case law, industry data, and more.  Begin your exploration at, and don't hesitate to contact a librarian if you need help!

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Millennium Development Goals

Heifer International

The mission of Heifer International is "to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and to care for the Earth." This unique organization solicits monetary gifts with which to purchase livestock to be used in impoverish communities around the world.

Course description

This interdisciplinary course explores the contributing factors and ethical implications of global poverty.  The United Nations Sustainable Development goals will be a framework used to explore issues of hunger, universal education, gender equality, child and maternal health, sustainability and development assistance.  Students will participate in the Global Passport experiential learning experience at the Heifer Ranch Global Village.

This research guide has been created to provide information about and links to library and Internet resources that relate to this course.