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KEYS 4003 - Contemporary Slavery and Human Trafficking

Suggested databases

Article databases

Useful for finding articles from scholarly peer-reviewed journals, magazines and trade publications.

Need historical perspective? 

Try one of these article databases useful for finding journal and magazine articles and books.  


Newspapers are great for finding local or global perspectives.

Quick Article Search example

Here's an example of a search in the Quick Article Search (a set of Ebscohost databases). This search will look for articles about how children (or teens or adolescents) who are runaways from home might be lured into prostitution (or sex work).

The asterisk character finds any (or no) ending of the word. E.g. child(asterisk) will find child or children

The keywords entered into each of the three search boxes are:

prostitut* or sex work*

AND    child* or teen* or adolescen*

AND     runaway

The search was limited to articles published in 2018 to present (2023, on 11/10/2023).

keyword search for articles about

Here are a couple of tip sheets on using advanced features within Webster University Libraries' databases, which include:

  • Full-text: where to locate the full text of an article
  • Cite tool: how to generate a citation, e.g., in APA or MLA format
  • Folder tool: how to save items to EBSCO folders for future use