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Start here: Business and technology article databases

How to search Business Source Complete for ITM articles

Business Source Complete covers all types of periodicals, including scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.  The 2-page PDF tip sheet below shows how to do a broad search and focus your results using the publication date, subjects and keywords, peer-reviewed journals, etc.

Journals (e.g. peer-reviewed) vs. popular magazines

Types of periodicals

Scholarly/academic journals, e.g. Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Infromation Technology, may be peer-reviewed and provide research findings in a discipline.

Trade publications, like CIO and Computerworld, inform or educate professionals in an industry or management function (e.g. IT).

Popular magazines, like Time, Bloomberg Businessweek, Harvard Business Review, and newspapers like The Wall Street Journal, inform or entertain the general public.

If in doubt, ask your professor what kinds of periodicals s/he prefers you to use for the assignment.

Additional article databases

These databases may provide a different focus for your search. You might use them in addition to one of the comprehensive databases listed above, or if you have a multidisciplinary topic.

Looking for a specific article or periodical -- like Harvard Business Review?

Search the Journals and Magazines A-Z list to discover if the periodical you seek is one of more than 80,000 titles available full-text online or in print from the library.