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Economics and Finance at Webster University Library

Company financial statements & investment databases

Morningstar example search: Nike

Search and navigation 

Here's an example of a search for the company, Nike. Use the navigation menu to jump to a specific section of the report. 

Company Financials

Below is an image of Nike's financial statements section. Notice that one can display the Income Statement, Balance Sheet or Cash Flow statements. Financial Statements are available for annual and quarterly time periods. To see additional years of data, use the scroll bar at the bottom of the window. 

Morningstar's financial section for Nike

Company ratios

Select the tab for Key Metrics and then select the desired ratio category: Profitabilty and Efficiency, Financial Health, and Cash Flow. Five and ten years of ratios are available by changing the time period menu. 

Morningstar report for Nike showing the Key Metrics section and the ratios for financial health.

Images captured on November 22, 2004 from the Morningstar database.

What are financial ratios?

Ratios are a mathematical comparison of two quantities, for example, the price-earnings ratio used to analyze a stock. Ratios of one firm are often compared across time, with those of a similar company, or with all firms in the industry, i.e. an industry ratio or industry average.  

Some major forms of financial ratios are:

  • profitability (e.g. earnings per share)
  • liquidity / risk (e.g. current ratio, quick ratio)
  • efficiency (e.g. price-to-earnings ratio)

For additional information see Financial ratios and statement analysis. (2005). In Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management (2nd ed., pp. 194-198). Malden, MA: Blackwell. Retrieved 2022, October 19, from the Gale eBooks database.

Database for finding company ratios

Databases for finding industry ratios or averages