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Downloading EBSCO ebooks

Follow the step-by-step instructions below to learn how to dowload EBSCO ebooks to your computer.

  1. Sign up for a My EBSCOhost account and sign into your account.
  2. Select the "Full Download" icon on the ebook you wish to download.  
  3. Select a "Download Duration" to choose how long you wish to borrow the ebook and check the box to confirm you *Adobe® Digital Editions installed on your computer.
  4. Click the Full Download button.
  5. Select to Open or Save your ebook.
    Open will open your ebook in Adboe Digital Editions.
    Save will save the ebook to your computer.

*In order for a computer to be used with ebooks on EBSCOhost, it must be compatible with Adobe® Digital Editions.

Downloading ProQuest ebooks

Follow the step-by-step instructions below to learn how to download ProQuest ebooks to your computer.

  1. Select the "Download Book" icon on the ebook you wish to download.
    Proquest Download Book icon
  2. Select the device you are using and click "Continue"
  3. Confirm you have *Adobe® Digital Editions installed on your computer by clicking "Done with this step."
  4. Select a "Loan Length" to choose how long you wish to borrow the ebook and choose the file format, either PDF or EPUB.
  5. Select "Download" and open your file in Adobe Digital Editions.

*In order for a computer to be used with ebooks on ProQuest, it must be compatible with Adobe® Digital Editions.

Adobe Digital Editions

You may download up to 10 entire documents at a time using Adobe Digital Editions, a free software program for Windows and Mac, for up to 14 days.

To install and activate Adobe Digital Editions:

  1. Download Adobe Digital Editions.
  2. Follow the instructions for installation and activation.

You may open the document with Adobe Digital Editions and utilize features including organizing the library, using bookshelves, transferring documents to supported devices, navigating documents, searching text, creating bookmarks, printing, returning the document early, and more.

Note: Any notes or highlights created in Adobe Digital Editions won't be synced with your online bookshelf.

To transfer document(s) to an eReader:

  1. Connect your supported device to your computer and launch Adobe Digital Editions. You may be prompted to create or enter your Adobe ID.
  2. Adobe Digital Editions automatically detects your device and may offer to authorize the device with your Adobe ID.
  3. The device now appears as a new bookshelf in the library. Drag and drop the downloaded document(s) you wish to transfer.

To transfer document(s) to an iOS device (iPhone, iPod touch, iPad):

  1. Download a compatible reading app (such as Bluefire Reader) from the App Store onto your iOS device.
  2. Connect your device to your computer, open iTunes, and sync your device.
  3. Click on the Apps tab and scroll down to File Sharing.
  4. Click on Add, navigate to your My Digital Editionsfolder, and select the PDF file(s) of the document(s) you'd like to transfer. Make sure you don't select the .acsm file(s).
  5. Re-sync your device.

You should now be able to read the document on your iOS device. You may need to authorize the device with your Adobe ID.

To return a document early:

  1. In Adobe Digital Editions, click on the arrow icon on the document you wish to return early.
  2. Select Returned Borrowed Item.
  3. Click OK.
  4. You may also wish to Delete Item from your library by clicking on the same arrow.

Documents that are downloaded using Adobe Digital Editions automatically expire at the end of the borrowing period and are returned back to the Library.