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Database Connection Errors

What to do when faced with the "ERR_CONNECTION_RESET" error message when trying to access databases.

"ERR_CONNECTION_RESET": What causes it?

You're trying to log in to Connections or the library databases and suddenly you're stopped by an error message.


What happened? Did the databases break?

It's not the databases, and unfortunately it's not anything IT can fix on their end either. This error means that there was an interruption between your device and the database servers. It can sometimes be caused by firewalls, corrupt caches, or even just a bad internet connection. Read ahead to find solutions to this error, and for more information about it. 

How do I fix it?

The two main ways to resolve this error are to either clear the cache of your current browser, or, if the problem persists, switch to using Firefox (which for some reason doesn't seem to be affected.)

Where to go for more help