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Rubric: Intercultural Competence - Global Citizenship Program

About empathy


Intercultural Competence is a set of cognitive, affective, and behavioral skills and characteristics that support effective and appropriate interaction in a variety of cultural contexts.

Empathy in Intercultural Competence

Interprets intercultural experience from the perspectives of own and more than one worldview and demonstrates ability to act in a supportive manner that recognizes the feelings of another cultural group (Exemplary).


Empathy is both a set of affective and behavioral skills and critical self-knowledge. The cultivation of empathy requires that individuals appreciate how their worldview and sense of self are made in a larger historical and social-structural context.

Educator readings and resources

Personal reflections. You have a cultural, ethnic, and/or racial identity that shapes your understanding of the world, and your perceptions about others. Take a few minutes to write down your own cultural identity, and your experience of it. Do you have a racial identity? How does it shape your view of yourself? After you have done this, discuss it with someone of a different culture or race.

Circle of Voices (Active listening)."Ask a thought-provoking question, and allow up to three minutes of individual silent time or group time so that students can organize their thoughts.  Then, give each student up to three minutes to speak with no interruptions.  Each ensuing speaker must summarize the previous speaker's comments before presenting his or her own views.  One or two students can serve as the class 'summarizers' or official notetakers, and their notes can be distributed to the whole class so that all of the students have a written record of the class session." (McGlynn, 2001, p. 88).