In order to serve our users worldwide, the library acquires most items in electronic format. We have over 500,000 eBooks, 100,000 streaming videos, and 44,000 streaming music titles immediately available to all of our students*.
*Occasionally there are restrictions on the number of people who can use a resource at one time and an item is temporarily unavailable.
When searching for an ebook, we recommend browsing Digital Content. The platform allows you to search for journals, magazines, newspapers, streaming videos, and ebooks available through the Library.
To search for ebooks in a specific database, browse the ebook database list.
Unfortunately, students at our International Campuses cannot request print books from the Main Campus library or through MOBIUS or Interlibrary Loan. Requesting specific book chapters is an option. Some of our International Campuses have Libraries with books that can be checked out, but procedures vary. Please see the section of this guide with links to individual International Libraries for details.