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GLBC 1200 - Imagination and Innovation

Mary Anne's examples

Piss Christ by Andres Serrano

Serrano, Andres, 1950. (1987). Piss Christ [Cibachrome].

Challenged in 2023 when used in a Santa Barbara, California, Dos Pueblos High School advanced (college-level) art class to foster discussion about "what is art?"

Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer

Vermeer, Johannes. (c.1665). Girl with a Pearl Earring [Support: canvas]. Mauritshuis.

Artists and their works

Use the databases below to search for articles about an artist and their specific works. You may also search the Library Catalog for books about the artist. 

For example, a search in Art Full-text for articles about Vermeer's work, Girl with a pearl earring, might look like this.

The search box for the Art Full-text database, showing the word vermeer in the top box and, in the second box, the words pearl earring in quotation marks (to search for that as a phrase).

Art databases

Music databases