Unless noted otherwise, speakers' names were gathered from Commencement programs.
1 For these years, speakers' names were found in the student newspaper.
2 Mowrey, Blanche. (1934). History of Webster (Loretto) College for the year September 1920 to September 1921. Unpublished manuscript, Webster University Archives.
3 Finnegan, Sr. Mary Edward. (1939). The history of the Webster College musical activities for scholastic years from September 1, 1916, to September 1, 1935. Unpublished manuscript, Webster University Archives.
4 Fallon, Dolores G. (1935). History of Webster (Loretto) College for the year September 1921 to September 1922. Unpublished manuscript, Webster University Archives.
5 Robison, Very Rev. W.F., S.J. (1923, June). Commencement address. The Lorettine, XVII(4), 329-334.
6 Lord, Rev. Daniel A., S.J. (1924, November). Baccalaureate sermon. The Lorettine, XVIII(4), 260-272.
7 Corcoran, Rev. F.V., C.M. (1924, November). Graduation address. The Lorettine, XVIII(4), 273-280.
8 Ritchie, Reverend Paul J., S.T.L. (1926, June). Baccalaureate sermon. The Lorettine, XX(4), 217-223.
9 Schwitalla, Reverend Alphonse M., S.J. (1926, June). Graduation address: The dangers of a college education. The Lorettine, XX(4), 223-228.
10 The Lorettine, XVI(2), August 1921, p. 3.
11 The Lorettine, XXI(4), June 1927, p. 328.
12 The Web, 25(5), Feb. 18, 1949, p. 1.
13 The Web, 25(8), June 4, 1949, p. 1.
14 According to a student thesis written in the 1930s, the only graduates in 1920 were two nuns so the college decided not to have a public ceremony. A private dinner was held instead. (Bersch, Verda. (1934). History of Webster (Loretto) College for the school year Sept. 1, 1919, to Sept. 1, 1920. Unpublished manuscript, Webster College.)