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Archival Collections

This guide provides descriptions of some of Webster University's archival collections

Course catalogs

Course catalogs list the individual courses and degree programs offered at Webster University. They can also be valuable sources of:

  • financial data
  • names of faculty and administrators
  • academic policies

In the Archives

Consult our course-catalog inventory to see a list of the catalogs available in the Webster University Archives:

Use of the catalogs is by appointment only. See our Using the Archives page for more information.

If you reside outside of the St. Louis area and need course descriptions, please contact the University Archivist (contact information in the left-hand column).

From the Registrar

The Webster University Registrar’s Office also has copies of the institution’s catalogs (except for a 10-year gap from 1951/52 to 1960/61. Students needing to see a catalog not available at the Library may inquire at the Registrar’s Office in Loretto Hall, Room 63:

Course catalogs available online

Student newspapers

Access to the student newspapers

Current print issues of The Journal are available on Level 1 of the Webster University Library and on the Journal website. Issues from 1996-97 to the present are located on the Library's Lower Level in the Bound Periodical section.

Webster University student newspapers from 1920 to Spring 2008 can be accessed electronically on computers located within the Library on the home campus or online through the University's institutional repository, Webster University Digital Collections.

Newspaper timeline

Listen!  (1920–1922)

The first student newspaper was called Listen!, and its initial issue appeared April 23, 1920. A weekly periodical, the content included mainly brief news items about events, athletics and people, editorials, and jokes and poems. In the beginning, the various classes (freshmen, sophomores, etc.) took turns producing it.

The purpose of Listen!, as stated in the very first issue, was to provide students an opportunity to test their writing skills, promote school spirit and encourage the “formation of a sort of unity among the classes”; “for the paper will be one of common interest and its management such as will excite a general rivalry and competition as to which class can edit the peppiest paper." The authors of that first issue had high hopes for their humble publication: “Loretto College is still young and who knows but that this little paper we are now launching on the sea of amateur journalism may figure quite prominently in the history of our Alma Mater, and shall we not in after years be proud to say that we originated and were the first to publish LISTEN!”

The Web  (1924–1970)

The Web first appeared on October 3, 1924. The November 14 issue stated that the periodical was now being published as part of a journalism class taught by Mrs. Daniel Dillon, "a newspaper woman of wide experience". By the following spring, the newspaper had grown to six pages in length.

A brief article in the April 23, 1925, issue explained the choice of title: “When asked why we named our paper “THE WEB”, our quick retort is to explain that it is the diminutive form of Webster.” ("The Why of 'The Web'", vol. 1, no. 12, p. 2). The Web would continue to be published through December 1970.

The Broadside  (1971–1976)

The Broadside appeared on February 9, 1971. In that issue, the publishers explained that The Web ceased publication due to lack of student interest. The new two-page, biweekly newspaper started as a project of an advanced journalism class. Its goal was to give students experience with working on a newspaper with a focus on straight campus news.

The Weekly Journal  (1976)

The Weekly Journal appeared on September 17, 1976. The publishers explained that they had chosen the name as it was the same one used by John Peter Zenger’s newspaper, the New York Weekly Journal. The "Weekly" in the title was dropped after only a few months.

The Journal  (1977–present)

The Journal (without the "Weekly" in its title) appeared on February 4, 1977. It has been published continuously since then and was the first paper to appear online.

Alternative newspapers

A few alternative newspapers have made brief appearances over the years:

The Ster  (1966–1967)

The Ster appeared on October 3, 1966. The publishers explained the purpose of the new periodical as follows: “The word controversy, implies two sides. A second voice, a second published voice is necessary if stands are to be taken on issues concerning the Webster community. The need for real controversy on our campus is a vital part of the motivating force behind this second newspaper… The choice of the name for the new newspaper was no small decision. Our main concern was to convey the idea that the new paper is to be another voice in the now two-newspaper Webster community." (p. 2) Only nine issues (through May 1967) are available for this publication.

The Student Observer  (1993)

The Student Observer appeared on March 18, 1993. The following purpose was given: “The Student Observer is a tool for all students. We hope to add to the student life an understanding of our university.” (p. 12). Only two issues are in existence.

The Wasteland  (1993)

The Wasteland appeared in March 1993. The paper was published by the Webster University Journalism Association which described their publication as follows: “The Webster University Journalism Association’s function is to initiate on campus activity through exchange of ideas via The Wasteland." (p. 2) Only two issues are in existence.

Yearbooks (1924–1969)

About the yearbooks

Webster published a yearbook from 1924 through 1969 (except for 1934 when none was published). For most of these years, the publication was called the Lauretanum and included the traditional types of features: photographs and information on social activities, athletics, personnel and students, etc.

In 1967, the students issued a very different publication, the Webster College Non-Yearbook, which coincided with the institution's groundbreaking transfer of ownership to a lay board. Besides reprinting article excerpts from the student newspaper, this volume included photographs, cartoons, graphic art, and quotations. The book was accompanied by sound recordings of various students, faculty and staff.

The following year's "yearbook" was the Yearbook in a Box, an actual box with various components, including posters, a board game, a spinning wheel of photographs, brochures, and a jigsaw puzzle. The class of 1968 also issued a paperback yearbook with group photos of the seniors.

For 1968-1969, another non-traditional yearbook appeared which measured 16" by 6" (40.5cm x 15cm). It featured photographs interspersed with quotations.